Veronica: The Woman with the Issue of Blood Book Review

Title: Veronica: The Woman with the Issue of Blood
By: Lucinda Weeks
A CBM Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars

Veronica: The Woman with the Issue of Blood by Lucinda Weeks is a captivating scriptural work of fiction that encompasses all the makings of a great novel. Relevant today, the issues, the emotions and reality of Veronica’s trials, make this an excellent read as the author covers a variety of issues: sin, abortion, forgiveness and healing from a Biblical perspective from Scripture.

Filled with romance, adventure, perseverance, faith, forgiveness and healing, the author gives a fictional account of the story of the woman with the issue of blood told in the New Testament. Well-written, the author will keep you glued to the book as the main character, Veronica (the woman with the issue of blood) and her husband desire to have children. Unrelated to the issue of blood, as readers will find out, they are unable to have any children of their own. Eventually they adopt three children. Tragedy strikes and Veronica is abruptly widowed, left to care for her three children alone. She remarries, but marries a man who is deceiving her. As an unwanted pregnancy comes, she decided to end the pregnancy, but is left with an issue of blood that plagues her life for twelve years.

The story unfolds as a woman who once had it all, loses everything, even custody of her children. In her despair, she risks it all to touch the hem of the garment of the One who has been spoken about – Jesus. She comes to find that not only is she completely healed, but she is also forgiven of All her sins – including the crude abortion that she didn’t think she could be forgiven for. This is an amazing story of redemption with all the aspects of a romance novel immersed within ~ love, betrayal, overcoming immense guilt, fear and shame and the redeeming love Christ has to offer create a wonderful, biblically entertaining read.

A truly amazing read!  Highly recommended.